The 2022 program will be a mix of educational and networking opportunities, focusing on the significance in the research and clinical outcomes for each specific zone but also on the interrelation between them and how this affect human health.

How is Oral Zone connected to PBI and DMH?

The microbiomes in different locations in the human body are tightly connected and this is particularly true for the oral and gut microbiomes. Both the oral and gut microbiome have mucosal tissues with the underlying interactions with the immune system, and the oral microbiome seeds the gut microbiome with particular relevance in their association with systemic diseases.

The oral microbiome is a key aspect also of the infant microbiome development with transmission of oral microbes between mothers and infants, and the oral microbiome is likely having substantial changes during pregnancy similarly to the gut microbiome.

Have a look at the abstract topics to get an idea what to expect.